Windows Phone Developers

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Remove DOCTYPE declaration from XML Files using C#

How to remove Document Type Definition (DTD) declarations from XML Files using C#

XMLSchema is fast replacing DTD. If you have old XML files that link to DTD, you might want to remove the Doctype declarations. The following code should help you in that

private static void Remove_DTD_From_XML(String sXMLFile)




XmlDocument XDoc = new XmlDocument();


XmlDocumentType XDType = XDoc.DocumentType;


XDoc.Save(sXMLFile + ".changed");


catch (Exception ex)






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  1. But it does not resolve the entities in the XML document.

  2. If the DTD not exists, Error is occured on load document. The same problem always.

  3. To Anonymous, here is the VB.NET code that I use to ignore the DTD

    ' do not resolve DTD
    Dim settings As XmlReaderSettings = New XmlReaderSettings()
    settings.XmlResolver = Nothing

    ' read xml file
    Dim str As XmlReader = XmlTextReader.Create(fileName, settings)
    Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()

    ' remove DOCTYPE tag
    If doc.DocumentType IsNot Nothing Then
    Dim XDType As XmlDocumentType = doc.DocumentType
    End If

  4. It's pretty helpful,i should recommended it to my freinds.
    thanks a lot

  5. solved my issue..thanks

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