Writing XML Files using C#
C# has many methods to create XML files with ease. XMLTextWriter class is an useful one containing methods to create a formatted and valid XML.
It represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating streams or files containing XML data that conforms to the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 and the Namespaces in XML recommendations
private void write2XML()
// Sample Invoice for Ganesh Padmavathy GmBH.
XmlTextWriter Writer = new XmlTextWriter(@"c:\ShasurData\ForBlogger\Sample.xml",Encoding.ASCII );
// Write XML with Indent
Writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
// Write XML Declaration
// Writing Comments in XML File
Writer.WriteComment("Sample Invoice for GP GmbH");
// Root Element
Writer.WriteAttributeString("INVNo", "INT03456");
Writer.WriteAttributeString("InvDate", DateTime.Now.ToString() );
Writer.WriteStartElement ("Items");
//Writer.WriteString("Sample String");
Writer.WriteElementString("Name", "Hex Socket Screw");
Writer.WriteElementString("Price", "$0.25");
Writer.WriteElementString("Quantity", "1000");
Writer.WriteEndElement(); // Item End Tag
Writer.WriteElementString("Name", "Roll Bearing");
Writer.WriteElementString("Price", "$0.15");
Writer.WriteElementString("Quantity", "1200");
Writer.WriteEndElement(); // Item End Tag
Writer.WriteEndElement(); // Items End Tag
Writer.WriteEndElement(); // Invoice End Tag
Write NameSpace of XML Specification in C#
Writer.WriteStartDocument(true) is used to write the XML declaration with the version "1.0".
Create Indented XML Files using C#
XmlTextWriter..::.Formatting Property is used to create XML Documents with proper indentation .
Writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
Will give a indented XML as shown below
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" standalone="yes"? >
< !--Sample Invoice for GP GmbH-- >
< Invoice INVNo="INT03456" d1p1:vbadud="15-09-2008 08:41:42" xmlns:d1p1="InvDate" >
< Items >
< Item >
< Name >Hex Socket Screw< /Name >
< Price >$0.25< /Price >
< Quantity >1000< /Quantity >
< /Item >
< Item >
< Name >Roll Bearing< /Name >
< Price >$0.15< /Price >
< Quantity >1200< /Quantity >
< /Item >
< /Items >
< /Invoice >
Indented XML Files using C#, Formatting XML Files using C#, Create a Formatted XML file using C#, Writing XML Files using C#, C# Create XML Files, How to write XML Specification using C#